Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nicki Minaj Hits The Red Carpet With Chicken Wing Necklace


Nicki Minaj Hits The Red Carpet With Chicken Wing Necklace First there was Lady Gaga's meat dress, and now Nicki Minaj has donned a fried chicken necklace at the IHeartRadio Festival over the weekend. The hot pink piece is probably not real? But it has people worked up, including one writer who says, "As an African American woman I am aware of certain black stereotypes such as 'black people love chicken'... While I’m positive eating the certain poultry couldn’t be that evil, is wearing a piece of chicken around your neck satire or ignorance?" [ more › ]
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Nicki Minaj Hits The Red Carpet With Chicken Wing Necklace
Jen Carlson
Mon, 26 Sep 2011 20:16:00 GMT

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