Thursday, September 15, 2011

City Doesn't Have To Subsidize Rent For Homeless, Judge Rules


City Doesn't Have To Subsidize Rent For Homeless, Judge Rules When Governor Cuomo passed his belt-strangling budget back in April, one of the things that ended up on the cutting room floor was funding for the city's Advantage program, which helped 15,000 households with working family members by subsidizing up to $1,100 a month toward rent for up to two years. The state formerly paid $65 million toward the program, which has a budget of $140 million (out of which the feds pay $27 million and the city pays $48 million). With that money cut off, the city decided to scrap the whole thing, and now, after a court battle, a judge has give the Bloomberg administration the green light to do so. [ more › ]
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City Doesn't Have To Subsidize Rent For Homeless, Judge Rules
John Del Signore
Thu, 15 Sep 2011 00:05:00 GMT

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