Bridges By Night--Uptown
A twilight tour of numerous bridges along the Harlem River.
Join us for a twilight tour of numerous bridges over the Harlem River, the Bronx Kill, and Little Hell Gate Inlet, with stops in Manhattan, Wards and Randall's Island, and the Bronx. Find little-known bicycle access points and takes in stunning sunset vistas while touching on environmental issues as overly industrialized waterfronts, highway systems, and damaged marine and shore ecosystems are viewed.Though it's just 6 miles long, the Harlem River is crossed by 14 bridges, making it the most-bridged waterway of that length in the world. Our ride will take us to both NYC's oldest and newest bridges and over two car-free spans as we cross between islands and the mainland (i.e., the Bronx). The last bridge we cross will leave us at 179th Street and Amsterdam Avenue in Manhattan, from which some people will head to the subway and others will ride back to the start location. Total r
- bike ride [2]
- Time's Up! [3]
- Environment [4]
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