Hatewatch is a weekly summary of the latest news about hate and extremism compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Week of August 9, 2012
The murderous attack on a Sikh temple in Wisconsin this past Sunday by neo-Nazi skinhead Wade Michael Page was just the latest in a series of terrorist incidents and plots by the radical right. Earlier this year, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented a third straight year of extraordinary growth that has swelled the ranks of extremist groups to record levels. The SPLC is now tracking 1,018 hate groups, a 69 percent increase since 2000. Following is a list of Hatewatch blogs, SPLC news and national headlines related to the shooting in Wisconsin, the rise of extremism, the neo-Nazi skinhead movement and the racist music scene. For more information, and links to all of our coverage click here.
Hatewatch Blog and SPLC Coverage of the Sikh Temple Shooting
Neo-Nazi Killer Wade Page was Member of Hammerskin Nation White Supremacists React to Sikh Massacre Alleged Sikh Temple Shooter Former Member of Skinhead Band Headlines
Wis. Temple Shooter's Motives Might Never Be Known Associated Press | August 8, 2012
Music Style Is Called Supremacist Recruiting Tool New York Times | August 7, 2012
Neo-Nazi Rampage: Army Psy-Ops Vet, White Power Musician ID'd As Gunman in Sikh Temple Shooting Democracy Now! | August 7, 2012
Wisconsin Killer Fed and Was Fueled by Hate-Driven Music New York Times | August 6, 2012
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