Monday, October 24, 2011

NYPD Brass Blames Occupy Wall Street For Uptick In Shootings


NYPD Brass Blames Occupy Wall Street For Uptick In Shootings Shootings rose 154 percent last week compared to a year ago—from 22 people to 56—and increased 28 percent overall in the last month. Who's to blame for the spike in crime? Occupy Wall Street. "The city is going crazy with demonstrations and protests, and I'm lucky if I can get four cars out there," Deputy Inspector for the 13th Precinct Ted Berntsen tells the Post. But someone has to watch Zuccotti Park lest the Mad Pooper strikes again. [ more › ]
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NYPD Brass Blames Occupy Wall Street For Uptick In Shootings
Christopher Robbins
Sun, 23 Oct 2011 23:35:32 GMT

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