Thursday, August 4, 2011

Legendary Black Journalist Gil Noble Had A Stroke


NEW YORK-According to Black Star News legendary Black Journalist and host of the long running New York City TV program, “Like It Is” on WABC where he has worked since 1967 has suffered from a stroke in New York City.

My dear brother and friend, Gil Noble, renowned journalist and long-time host of “Like It Is” suffered a stroke last week, people in contact with his family inform me.

I have been an admirer of Gil Noble and fan of “Like It Is,” for many years, even before I received my own journalistic training in the early 1990s at Columbia University. Later, I was very extremely humbled and even taken aback, when Gil invited me to appear on his show. After having watched some of the large figures who had been guests on “Like It Is,” –including some of the earlier interviews that he replayed, with Kwame Ture, Dr. Ben-Jochanan, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Robert Mugabe, NOI’s Louis Farrakhan, Michael Manley, Fannie Lou Hamer– I did not believe that I had yet earned such honors.

Read More At Black Star News

Legendary Black Journalist Gil Noble Had A Stroke
Casey Gane-McCalla, Lead Blogger
Thu, 04 Aug 2011 18:12:09 GMT

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