Monday, May 28, 2012

Witness To Horrific Miami Face-Chewing So Upset He May Move

Witness To Horrific Miami Face-Chewing So Upset He May Move

Witness To Horrific Miami Face-Chewing So Upset He May Move News that a man apparently chewed off half of the face of another man on a Miami causeway—prompting police to shoot and kill the naked attacker—has horrified the world. And one of the most distressed is witness Larry Vega, who seemed to be in shock, telling a television station, "When I looked forward, there's a guy on top of another person, eating him up like, just tearing, tearing his face apart. It's going to take some time to forget. I never thought I would see someone else eating someone. It was really, really horrific." [ more › ]
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Witness To Horrific Miami Face-Chewing So Upset He May Move
Jen Chung
Mon, 28 May 2012 19:22:04 GMT

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