Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Why Isn't This Man Arrested For�Murder?

Why Isn't This Man Arrested For�Murder?

Trayvon Martin, an unarmed African-American teenager, was�shot and killedin a gated community in Florida late last month by a white neighborhood watch captain, according to police. But the watch captain, George Zimmerman a 26-year-old college student who has admitted to police that he shot the young man still walks free. And Martin's family is pleading for answers and demanding justice.

At this point there are more questions than answers in the young mam's death, but this much is known: Martin was packing little more than a bag of candy and a canned iced tea on the night he was killed.

'He had a gun, and Trayvon had Skittles,' Benjamin Crump, a family attorney, told The Huffington Post this afternoon.

Martin, 17, a high school junior who lived with his mother in Miami, was visiting his father and stepmother at their home in Sanford, a suburb of Orlando, on the weekend of Feb. 26. During halftime of the NBA All-Star Game, Martin's family said he walked to a nearby convenience store to get some candy for his younger brother. On his way back home, according to reports, he caught the attention of George Zimmerman, a 26-year-old college student and self-appointed captain of The Retreat at Twin Lakes neighborhood watch.

Zimmerman, armed with a 9mm handgun, trailed the boy in his car. At some point, Zimmerman called 911, telling the operator there was a 'suspicious person in the area,' according to a police report acquired by HuffPost.

More here:

Why isn't this man arrested for the murder of an unarmed 17 year old boy? Why is the Sandford Police Departmant not releasing the 911 tapes? If the situation was vise versa, 17 year old Trayvon Martin would be in jail. Instead, he is dead and police allowed a killer to go free after he claims self-defense! Self defense my ass! George Zimmerman was the one with a gun. Trayvon had skittles and an ice tea! Where is justice for this young kid? The kid's only crime was walking while black!

Sign Petitionhttps://www.change.org/petitions/prosecute-the-killer-of-17-year-old-trayvon-martin 

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