Wednesday, March 14, 2012



* New Yorkers disapprove of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's handling of the schools, approve of the public release of teacher evaluation scores and overwhelming support the use of restaurant letter grades, a new Quinnipiac Poll says:

* A new poll found 71 percent of state teachers support giving new teachers a choice of a 401(k)-style retirement plan, but teachers oppose changing existing pension rules, the Empire Center for New York State Policy says:

* A senior Cuomo official tells the New York Times that a deal to expand the state's DNA database is "very close," and that the governor is willing to drop the 401(k) option of his pension reform plan if lawmakers approve a new, less generous tier for state workers:

* At a campaign finance workshop for Asian Americans, participants questioned whether Comptroller John Liu's legal woes were a result of racial profiling by federal prosecutors, the Times reports:

* A video showing Rep. Peter King allegedly accompanying U.S. Marshals in the pursuit of a fugitive suspect is being investigated for possible violation of federal policy, the Wall Street Journal reports:

* Central New York officials are calling on Albany to consolidate all of the state's primary elections on June 26, arguing the three different dates amount to a costly mandate for municipalities, the Post Standard reports:

DON'T HANG UP ON US: Quality, affordable telephone service is an essential public need. The governor's proposal to pre-emptively deregulate phone service offered by cable companies and Verizon FiOS (the dominant technology of the future) would leave consumers at the mercy of these companies as the state surrenders its right to address service quality, reliability and affordability concerns that will result from a market environment with little to no competition.

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