Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Off-Leash Dog Rules to be Debated After Isham Park Attack

Off-Leash Dog Rules to be Debated After Isham Park Attack Updated April 3, 2012 6:50am

Some dog owners and residents are engaged in a debate over whether off-leash dogs should be allowed in Isham Park form 9 a.m. To 9 p.m. (DNAinfo/Carla Zanoni)

INWOOD — Local parents and dog owners are expected to go head-to-head with Parks Department officials Tuesday night as they discuss recent changes made to off-leash dog regulations in Isham Park.

After an off-leash dog in the park attacked a leashed dog in March, Parks officials installed new signage alerting dog owners that their pets are not allowed off their leashes at any time in Isham Park.

"My dog was mauled by an off-leash pit bull," said Jackie Parrot, 36, whose pit bull mix Ginger was attacked on March 7 when an unleashed dog charged across the park, police said.

"It would have been killed except for the fact that three men pulled the dog off. It can happen at any time. This wasn't the first time my dog was attacked."

But dog owner Chris Christos, 64, said off-leash dogs have been a crime deterrent in the area and are now being unfairly penalized.

"The knee-jerk reaction is to punish all the neighborhood dog

Read more: http://www.dnainfo.com/20120403/washington-heights-inwood/inwood-residents-debate-off-leash-dog-rules-isham-park-after-attack?utm_content=chiefcharley472%40gmail.com&utm_source=VerticalResponse&utm_medium=Email&utm_term=Off-Leash%20Dog%20Rules%20to%20be%20Debated%20After%20Isham%20Park%20Attack&utm_campaign=Harlem%20Renaissance%20Among%20Schools%20Removed%20from%20Closure%20Listcontent#ixzz1r0rH73uk

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