Tuesday, May 3, 2011

African-American - News

African-American - News May 3, 2011

See African-American Weather

Abolitionists had to wait
Abolitionists had to wait (Journal Gazette)
A painting by F.B. Carpenter depicts Abraham Lincoln and members of his cabinet at the first reading of the Emancipation Proclamation.

You Are Free (EDGE)
Author Danzy Senna has traveled over the perilous shifting sands of race consciousness in America for fictional and biographical portraits.

Annual festival educates community on different cultures (The Dispatch)
Published: Monday, May 2, 2011 at 12:30 a.m. Last Modified: Friday, April 29, 2011 at 8:40 p.m. Once a year the Lexington Parks and Recreation Department offers a day-long event to bring the diverse population of Davidson County together while also educating residents on the various cultures represented in the community.

50 years after childhood stand, Ruby Bridges still works for change
50 years after childhood stand, Ruby Bridges still works for change (Shrevport Times)
Ruby Bridges, left, talks to members of the Louisiana media in the Washington office of Sen.

Esther Cepeda: America's overlooked voters (Indianapolis Star)
Would you rather have your vote taken for granted or be ignored? Neither is acceptable, but that's how it's shaking out for Latinos and Asians as we head toward the 2012 elections -- one group garners headlines about potentially delivering a re-election victory to President Barack Obama while the other continues to be overlooked by both parties.

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