Saturday, April 2, 2011

African-American - News

African-American - News April 2, 2011

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Baseball history marks the spot
Baseball history marks the spot (CulpeperNews, Culpeper, VA)
Hall of Fame slugger Pete Hill , born in southern Culpeper County , left a mighty mark on American baseball, hitting 28 home runs with the Detroit Stars in 1919, the same year Babe Ruth knocked out 29, in more games.

NAACP: Barbour push for civil rights museum is political (Salon)
The Mississippi NAACP is calling Gov. Haley Barbour's renewed interest in building a civil rights museum in the state a political maneuver designed to rehabilitate his reputation on racial issues.

Hip hop playing role in global political dissent (Crescent-News)
An eye-opening presentation on the role of hip hop culture as a spark for global liberation culminated the final day of the McMaster Symposium and Collegiate Global Summit Thursday at Defiance College.

MLK invoked as Ohio union fight moves to cities (LasVegasNOW)
Opponents of bills in Ohio, Wisconsin and other states curtailing public employees' collective bargaining rights have planned a series of protests beginning this weekend that they're tying to the legacy of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.

Civil Rights scholar, celebrated Columbia University professor Manning Marable dies
Civil Rights scholar, celebrated Columbia University professor Manning Marable dies (NY Daily News)
Manning Marable died Friday at the age of 60. Columbia University professor Manning Marable, an expert on African-American history, died Friday just days before his long-awaited biography of Malcolm X is released.

Obama back to NYC to headline Sharpton bash (New York City's Hometown Newspaper - ...)
President Obama will return to NYC next week to speak at Al Sharpton's annual bash.

Zuma: "Fronting" an obstacle to BEE (Independent Online)
"Fronting" and tender abuse is an "unintended consequence" of an overemphasis on diversity of ownership and senior management in implementing broad based black economic empowerment , President Jacob Zuma said on Friday.

Coalition Air Strikes: Body Bags Begin Piling Up (infowars)
It was only a matter of time before gungho western audiences and pundits would have to face the harsh reality that overwhelming military power produces: 1,400 air sorties and 700 Tomahawk cruise missiles later, the civilian body bags are beginning to mount up. And the political ramifications for the acting war parties in Washington, Britain and Paris are inescapable. The Libyan government on Thursday night claimed close to 100 civilians had died in air strikes since Allied hostilities began last weekend. The final bill in human lives cannot really be tallied until a much later date. There is little doubt though, that given the current frequency of Allied bombs and missiles and what we have learned from the West's fabled "surgical strike" operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, that the final number of confirmed civilian body bags will certainly exceed 1,000 within a week or two. BODY COUNT: Allied air strikes are snuffing out scores of innocent Libyan lives.

Why is the Federal Reserve Propping Up the Bank of Libya? (thenation)
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has for months been leading the charge to expose the sweetheart deals the Federal Reserve has worked out for multinational banks and corporations at the same time that working Americans, small businesses, local governments and schools boards struggle to stay afloat financially. On Thursday, the senator asked Federal Reserve officials to explain why they provided more than $26 billion in credit to an Arab intermediary for the Central Bank of Libya. According to a review by Sanders' office, the Fed made at least 46 emergency, low-interest loans to the Arab Banking Corp., in which the Central Bank of Libya owns a 59 percent stake.

Libya is a Continuation of Neocon War to Remake Middle East (infowars)
Statement on Libya – Defining U.S. National Security Interests, Before the Foreign Affairs Committee, US House of Representatives, 31 March 2011 The American people have once again been suckered into an unconstitutional, undeclared, illegal, and unwise war. This is not a war in response to an attack on the United States. This is not a war against a regime that has threatened the United States. This is a preventative war. The president never claimed that any large-scale slaughter of civilians was taking place in Libya. Rather, the president has spent close to a billion dollars – so far – bombing a country because its government might at some point harm its civilians.

Expert on African-American psychology and education to present lecture in Harrisburg
Expert on African-American psychology and education to present lecture in Harrisburg (Central Pennsylvania Entertainment I'm...)
The YaakofiAma Nia House welcomes school psychologist Umar Abdullah-Johnson as he presents to the Harrisburg community a lecture titled "Movement to Save Black Children." Abdullah-Johnson, who practices privately in Philadelphia, has established a reputation as an activist for the proper development of African and African-American children.

Minister Farrakhan explains the war w/ Libya, the Middle East & Islam (youtube)
Minister Farrakhan has always been in the forefront of breaking news, especially when it comes to news that affects the lives of Blacks in America and Muslims worldwide. Today is no different, during a past Saviours' Day Minister Farrakhan foretold of and broke down why American and European powers would attack Libya and the Middle East.

Video: Farrakhan addresses attack on Libya, warns of catastrophe headed for America (finalcall)
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan called the news conference to address U.S. policy in the Middle East and military attacks on Libya. He again condemned U.S. military action against Libya and warned the president about tricks that could lead to his disgrace and ruin.

Farrakhan delivers press conference on Libya policy of Obama administration (charlene.blogs.finalcall)
In a more than two hour press conference from Mosque Maryam, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan issued a divine, stern warning of God's chastisement and judgment on America to President Barack Obama and the U.S. government that America will never win the wars it is waging across the world.

Farrakhan addresses attack on Libya, warns of catastrophe headed for America (finalcall)
America is facing a major earthquake as part of God's divine judgment against the country for her evil, warned the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan during a March 31 press conference at the Nation of Islam's flagship Mosque Maryam.

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